Wednesday, September 25, 2013

How deep can you allow this love to go....

How deep can you allow this love to go....

How deep can you allow His love to push.  Even as His love flows into the deepest part of your soul, He is able to open up doors into caverns that you didn't even know were there.  Caverns of hidden hurt that are immediately healed as His hand turns the knobs on the doors and His love floods in.  As the flow gets stronger and stronger, the thoughts that earlier stopped the flow have now lost their power and are easily overcome by the flow of God's love pouring itself into your empty deep soul.  All of a sudden, you realize that your thoughts of hurt and pain are becoming overwhelmed and overcome by God's love and that those thoughts can no longer stand up against the love of God.  You are now succombed to God's love, surrendered to the one thing you have been truly searching for your whole life - God's love. 

Now you feel invincible.  Not you, but God in you.  You experience for the first time a presence of love in you but not from you.  You pushed into God and let His everpresent love have its way with you by simply surrendering to its aggressive nature to overwhelm you and bring saturation to your souls need to be complete.  Saturation.  You are now saturated with God's love.  Saturated with God's healing anointing.  Saturated with God's forgiveness.  Saturated with God's salvation.  Saturated with God's power.  Now surrender.  Give in.  Let your self go.  Let God have your - self.  Let Him change it.  See your - self - in His hands as he changes you.  Let Him put His hand in your heart and heal it. 

If you are willing to let Him, He will give you what most people only dream of and fight for their entire life - a complete heart.  A complete heart is when He comes in and attaches His cord of virtue to it so that you never again have to experience fear, loneliness, or hurt again.  These things are not able to attach themselves to a human heart that continously exerts virtue.  Virtue that flows from the innermost parts of your being like a river of living water - virtue, virtue, virtue from the throne room of God, the blue thread of righteousness that pores from the very being of God's nature. 

His holiness; an anointing of His essence that is available to those who know how to surrender to His will.  You now know how to surrender to His will and allow Him to flow through you.  No one can take this from you, they can only experience the integrity of your new nature to allow God's will to flow from your new heart that allows God's love to touch others.  No one will be able to deny your change, because you can never be the same.  You can never act or react the same, because you are not the same.  The deepest parts of your being have been changed to reflect your new nature which is now saturated with His being. 

You just let God and His essence and virtue into the very core of your being and it now pushes not to get in, but to get out.  It must get out to touch others the way it has just touched you....  The same tenacity God pushed with to get into your heart, He now uses through you to get into others hearts.  As you allow Him to flow through you with His love, the flow of His Spirit will intensify and become greater and greater.... Each day as you surrender the deepest parts of your soul, thoughts and being, He will increase in you. 

The greatest relationship you have in God is to allow Him to flow through you to touch others....

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