Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Trapped in ( i ) Mind

Our mind can be a trap.  It has the insatiable desire to figure everything out.  Everything has to have a point and everything has to make sense.  That is how it functions.  We call it left brain activity because that is where 2 + 2 = 4.  Our left brain is where we make all of our logical decisions.  The mind creates a figure to satisfy our greatest and most powerful instinct – Self Preservation.  We need to feel safe, accepted and in control.

The mind tries to create a figure (idol) by using the process of figuring out.  A figure is an idol.  It is an image in our mind which we attach meaning.  When we don’t know what to do in a situation, our mind tries to fix it by creating a figure or idol that explains our situation and lets us feel safe. 
This is what the children of Israel did in the desert when they created the golden calf.  Moses had been on the mountain for a while and the Israelites started to get scared.  They needed to create a god to protect them.  When we try to figure things out (create a mental idol) on our own, we lose the capacity to rest in the Lord and put our trust in Him. 

So stop trying to figure everything out and trust in God.  Stop worrying, but in everything let your desire (vision) be made known to God and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding shall guard your heart and mind.  So relax and let God.

Trying to figure things out (creating idols) keeps us under the curse.  When I use my mind to figure an I-d-o-l, i am surrounded by my problem and i end up looking like an I-d-i-o-t.

Rest in the Lord, get a word from Him and see it in your mind as already done.  There.  Now you have put your trust in the creator of creation and your heart and mind will be at peace.


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