Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Number One Question I Get From People

As some of you already know, I also work as a business and personal coach besides working with real estate investors.

Here is the number one question I have gotten asked over the last 20 years.

“How do I know God’s plan for my life?”

Another way the question is asked is “How does God talk to me?” 

Well, I have good news and bad news….

Which do you want first?

Good – I can answer that.

Bad – you might not like the answer.

God speaks to us all the time, but we are too busy running around living the American Life, and we don’t have time to stop and listen.

Here is the answer:

God speaks to us in 2 ways –

  1. Logos – written word
  2. Rhema – spoken word

  • Logos is simple; it is the word of God referred to as the Bible.
  • Rhema is the spoken word and key to what God has called you to do.  So how do you hear it?

It is written in your heart as the scripture says, “Delight yourself in the Lord and He shall give you the desires of your heart.  The word desire in Latin transcribes as from the father.  De = from and Sire = father, so the desires of your heart are from the father

“If ye abide in me and my word abides in you, you shall ask what ye will and it shall be done”.  You’re asking for the desires God has put in your heart.  Desires would be relationships, success, happiness, peace, fulfillment etc. 

OK – so how do I know God is talking to me? 

There are two ways that I have learned that bring the fastest results.

  1. Get a notebook and a pen and find someplace quiet to sit down and relax with some classical or instrumental music in the background. (Take a few deep breaths)  Then begin to write down anything and everything you have ever wanted to do in your life.  You have to do this with the idea that time and money are no object.  If your ego or a voice in your head starts to tell you that it is impossible or tries to figure out how to do one of the goals, ignore and keep writing.  This isn’t about how, this is about what.  Nothing is impossible.  Don’t be afraid to get a little crazy with this.  Whoola – this is the start of what God is calling you to do.

Here are five areas I like to set goals in:

  1. My relationship with God
  2. My relationship with me
  3. My relationship with my family
  4. Finances, work, business
  5. My purpose

Disclaimer:  I know some of the stuff you are about to read might seem a little strange, but try it anyway.  If what you are already doing in your life works then don't change it.  If you are seeking for something that does work, then do this.

  1. Probably the best time to hear God’s voice is when you are stuck; you know emotionally blocked.  You don’t know what to do in a situation.  Maybe you are unhappy with life in general.  Emotional blocks are probably the number one cause of sickness both physical and mental in the world today.  Suppressing the natural flow of life is crippling.  “Worry about nothing, but in all things through prayer; let your request be made known to God.” 

  1. First – you have to repent for the sin of unbelief that has you blocked.  So find someplace quiet. (later you will be able to do this anywhere and anytime) Begin to think about what has you blocked.  Sometimes you won’t know what it is.  Maybe you are depressed or lonely.  Put your full attention on the blockage or fear or sin or whatever you want to call it.  (Remember, we reap what we sow, so if you are living in fear of something like bills or sickness, you will reap that in your life – that why it is the sin of unbelief)  After you have your full attention on the problem, move to step two.
  2. Second – take that blockage or mass of feelings and emotions and put it in your hands out in front of you. (acting this out in the physical is optional, but not necessary since you are now moving in the spiritual)  Make sure all of the blockage is out of your body, mind and soul and in your hands.  Once you have all of the unbelief, emotion, blockage or whatever you want to call it out, move to step three for God to talk to you.
  3. Three – Now see God standing before you.  (He is already there and always has been)  Give Him what is in your hands and see what He does with it.  Now begin to thank Him that He is taking this from you – Here is where God might talk to you.  Wait and see if there is anything that comes to your mind that He is guiding you to do.  At this point, your heart and mind are very aware and open to guidance.  Even if you feel moved to take action in a certain area, always move on to the next step.  You created a void in your soul and you must fill it or it will fill itself through your ego.  Now move to step four.
  4. Four – What is it that you really desire?  Now let your request be made known to God.  Speak to God in His language.  Imagine what you want.  See it, feel it, hear it, taste it, smell it and experience it with all your heart.  If you truly desire it, share it with God and begin to thank Him for giving you the desire (from the father) of your heart.  Now move to step five.
  5. Five – Now give your request to God the same way you would give your car keys to a trusted family member or friend.  Let Him have it and let your soul trust in Him to handle the situation.  Totally release any desire to hold on to it or beg.  Don’t beg, move in faith knowing that your father loves you and will honor your faith.  Move to number six.
  6. Six – Now sit quietly and wait for a thought, intuition, a small voice deep in your soul, a vision, but probably just a thought and write it down.  Then wait to see if there is anything else.  Now move to number seven and the most important step.
  7. Seven – Whatever God told you to do – do it.  Do it now.  Do it as unto the Lord.  If you do, your life will begin to spiral upward with inspired actions that open doors to your dreams.  If you don’t act, you will simply become blocked again except this time with guilt.  So do whatever God tells you.  If He tells you to do nothing – then do that. Move to step eight.
  8. Eight – “When you have done all you can do, then stand” and wait on God.  Stay in a state of gratitude for what God is doing in your life.  Remember - You reap what you sow.  What you focus on expands.  So don't allow the smallest doubt.  When doubt comes, simply say, "I don't know how you are going to do this God, I just know you are working in my favor to bring forth the desires you have put in my heart."  You might want to write that down.  Move to number Nine.
  9. Nine – repeat.  Do this once a day for 365 days and your life will change more in 365 days than the rest of your life put together.
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