We try to control relationships in our life by withholding love.
God honors faith. He is God - He doesn't have a choice. Love honors faith - it doesn't have a choice. God is love. His very essence is love. Not love like we sometimes think of love in all its distorted definitions, but love as virtue - totally pure and holy. The world tries to dilute the word, but in its purest form, love is all powerful and overcoming. It overcomes every human need -Love in its purest form overcomes every human need.
When someone moves into love - and you have to move into it because it respects man and will not push itself onto you - love quenches and satisfies every human need. Surrender to it and it will melt any hurt and transform the inquisitor (to inquire) from a state of insatiable hunger to a state of satiated fullness indescribable to the human mind. It's a state of sanity that can't be matched in this lonely world. Remember the inquisitor that pushed into God with his/her spirit will experience this love.
Now how to push into pure and holy Love. God is Love. It's the essense of His being, issuing out of Him, the same as a proclamation is issued to the people. It is constant and everlasting. God's love is in a state of issuing. It never stops flowing from His throne. The only thing that can keep God's love from us is our inner will to not allow Him to love us. We do this because we have been hurt.
In the deepest levels of our heart, where we dwell on the existence of God, we blame God for our failures and misdeeds. It is at this level that we wall ourselves off from the touch of God. We say to ourselves, "If God loves me, why is this happening to me?" then in the deepest part of our soul, we take our hands and push God out of our life. The only way we can make Him pay for our lives not going the way we want it to is to not allow Him to love us.
In our deepest will, we know this and our selfish will punishes God by withholding relationship from Him. We know in our deepest core that God wants relationship with us - too pour out His love on us. It is truly our only defense against His unending and all-powerful love. Denying His love is the only way for us to control the relationship with Him. We have two choices.
1. Try to control our relationship with God by denying Him access to love our soul.
2. Surrender to His love and let Him have His way in our life.
We push God away because we don't actually believe He is going to do what He said He would do; what He would do as defined in the deepest desires of our heart - His will planted in the deepest parts of our soul. The ego stands there with his sword of self-pity and self-destruction and hacks away at any sapling of hope that breaks the wall of our heart and makes sure that we stay in our safe place by destroying any seed of our dreams even as God moves over us, calling out the seeds of greatness He planted before we were born. Simply surrender the sword and stop sabotaging the flow of God in your life. Let it flow.
We control relationships in our life by withholding love.
We do the same thing to God. We withhold access to our soul. We deny Him the access to love us. We'll show Him. Then we spend the rest of our lives trying to find love on our own. We try to fill the insatiable void by our own will.... We try to play God and satisfy our own soul by staying busy, by creating a fantasy world that we believe we can control to extract love out of when we feel we need it.....
Wow, love is so full, so vast, so complete, it has no substitue. No substitute. We know this in our soul, yet we still try to duplicate it because that would be the only way to be self-sufficient. If I can just fill the void.... I can control my own life and not need anything or anyone else. This is true, but the source for this euphoric state of being is God, and we have to give up control and our will to experience it. Problem is, we have been hurt and it's not right. So we have to make a decision whether we want to be right or righteous. Whether we want to be right or rich. Whether to be right or happy. We do have rights, and we also have control. Both of these cost us our relationship with God through Adam and Eve. We still, to this day, make the same choice Adam did - to live in our own will and choose seperation from God.
The difference is we have the ability to get back our surrendered state of obedience. We get it back by allowing God to love us. This happens when we begin to surrender to God's presence which is already pushing in on us from every direction. Even as you read this, you can begin to feel God's love pushing into every crack of hope beginning to develop in the walls of your heart. The hope that God really does have your best interest in mind. The hope that if you trust God, that He will begin to move in your favor and your innermost dreams will come true.
As you read this God is pushing on those cracks, but even now your thoughts fight back against believing, because if it's not true, it will hurt too much, so why take the risk.... but what if you did take the risk? What if you chose to believe and take the risk.... What if you surrendered all your deepest hurts to God and allowed Him to push through the cracks and caress your soul with His love.... Even if for just a moment to see what would happen.... He pushes 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. His love never stops pushing to find a crack to get into your soul. Never ever ever ever..... God is pushing right now against your soul. The only thing that can stop Him from actually coming in is you....
What if.... you just let Him in. What if you just let His love have its way with your soul.... What if you let Him touch you deep in your soul.... What if you let His love touch you at the deepest parts of your soul, to travel deep into parts you have never let another even know was there. What if you allowed His loving peace to saturate the very pores of your soul and seep into the depths and crevises of the core of your being until every place was full. Even if just to experience it once in your life.
How deep can you allow this love to go....
How deep can you allow His love to push. Even as His love flows into the deepest part of your soul, He is able to open up doors into caverns that you didn't even know were there. Caverns of hidden hurt that are immediately healed as His hand turns the knobs on the doors and His love floods in. As the flow gets stronger and stronger, the thoughts that earlier stopped the flow have now lost their power and are easily overcome by the flow of God's love pouring itself into your empty deep soul. All of a sudden, you realize that your thoughts of hurt and pain are becoming overwhelmed and overcome by God's love and that those thoughts can no longer stand up against the love of God. You are now succombed to God's love, surrendered to the one thing you have been truly searching for your whole life - God's love.
Now you feel invincible. Not you, but God in you. You experience for the first time a presence of love in you but not from you. You pushed into God and let His everpresent love have its way with you by simply surrendering to its aggressive nature to overwhelm you and bring saturation to your souls need to be complete. Saturation. You are now saturated with God's love. Saturated with God's healing anointing. Saturated with God's forgiveness. Saturated with God's salvation. Saturated with God's power. Now surrender. Give in. Let your self go. Let God have your - self. Let Him change it. See your - self - in His hands as he changes you. Let Him put His hand in your heart and heal it.
If you are willing to let Him, He will give you what most people only dream of and fight for their entire life - a complete heart. A complete heart is when He comes in and attaches His cord of virtue to it so that you never again have to experience fear, loneliness, or hurt again. These things are not able to attach themselves to a human heart that continously exerts virtue. Virtue that flows from the innermost parts of your being like a river of living water - virtue, virtue, virtue from the throne room of God, the blue thread of righteousness that pores from the very being of God's nature.
His holiness; an anointing of His essence that is available to those who know how to surrender to His will. You now know how to surrender to His will and allow Him to flow through you. No one can take this from you, they can only experience the integrity of your new nature to allow God's will to flow from your new heart that allows God's love to touch others. No one will be able to deny your change, because you can never be the same. You can never act or react the same, because you are not the same. The deepest parts of your being have been changed to reflect your new nature which is now saturated with His being.
You just let God and His essence and virtue into the very core of your being and it now pushes not to get in, but to get out. It must get out to touch others the way it has just touched you.... The same tenacity God pushed with to get into your heart, He now uses through you to get into others hearts. As you allow Him to flow through you with His love, the flow of His Spirit will intensify and become greater and greater.... Each day as you surrender the deepest parts of your soul, thoughts and being, He will increase in you.
The greatest relationship you have in God is to allow Him to flow through you to touch others....
Now listen to me, because what I am about to tell you is
the greatest secret in the universe....
No one has ever felt more full or complete than when they are totally committed to allowing God to move through them to break open the hearts of others so that He can become as close to them as He now is in you....
If you will surrender your whole heart to God, He will begin to flow through you with a violence that doesn't just fill your soul but overwhelms your being to the point of not being able to contain His presence. You will feel that you are in heaven at the very throne of God - overwhelmed by His goodness. You will experience times when you will physically not be able to handle God's love...
The secret to remember is that God now has you, and He is looking for vessels (You) on earth to funnel through to touch others the same way. The only way he can reach others is through the portals of souls that have surrendered to the flow of His Spirit. Each day as you awake, be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Become a portal... you see the ego will try to trick, steal, deceive, and get back control of the land you have just surrendered to God. It has to in order to fulfill its purpose which is to keep you safe - self preservation. Each day surrender your will back to God, because as you slept, the ego has the ability to process out anything that it feels will hurt you... For example: stepping out in faith to please God and do His will.
So you must see yourself as one of the few portals in this world that allows God to reach His people without which He would be totally cut off. As you allow and become partners with God, His Spirit becomes comfortable with you and you with Him. As time goes on, your healing increases and your ability to work in obedience to His will increases and you will find yourself doing things you never imagined - in your family, school, work, church, community etc...
Remember - you are a portal for God's love and will. Picture that and never forget it. Get paper out and draw your new life, put it on your screensaver, email yourself, make up a song, put this blog in your favorites and read it everyday until it becomes so real you easily fulfill your purpose in God. Keep reading books that move you closer to God and find people God leads you to. Find poeple of like mind that are growing in God and believe anything is possible. They live in every city.
Send this blog to every person you know, and create your own group to share and grow with. God Bless and by God's grace I will always be here to help . My greatest joy is to serve my saviour. He saved me with His love. I needed His love and now I need nothing else. His love is sufficient. I give everything to Him.